The acrobatically gifted dual-pistol-wielding anti-hero loner that never runs out of bullets who is also known as Inspector Tequila!
Or could it be just a coincidence? Maybe she's just a ninja?|||Although this could start a fire from the D3 bashers, I'd say she also gets some influences from Warcraft 3's Warden and Demon Hunter together... Not that that is a bad thing...
She feels also like a regular Vampire Hunter... I'm looking forward to seeing the male in action...|||Visually she has a very strong Val Helsing vibe.|||Quote:
Visually she has a very strong Val Helsing vibe.
gotta agree, she reminded me more of van helsing than anything from wow|||Lol i though that inspiration was obvious and called Vanquisher from Torchlight?
Other can be Val Helsing movie (we still need to see male) and Warden (fan of knives, armour) with Demon Hunter (name) from Warcraft 3.|||I got two things to say because I couldn't decide between which two stupid things I wanted to post.
1. The Superior Tequila

Drop the glowies and get a real honest display of her demon hunting passion and things will be more on the right track appearance wise. The glowies are already in your toolbox Blizzard, please try again...
That said, DH looks like alot of fun to play. I like the acrobatics to avoid danger, very nice touch. The grenades look cool, look forward to trying them (traps never interested me much).
I will miss the ability to wield a shield though, I loved being able to do double duty with my zon. They hybrid setup made my character much more fun to play as I had two major play styles to choose from. Being limited to one is concerning to me.
Although this makes sense since group play is a major part of the game design with a complete focus on online play for groups (No LAN).
hmm. maybe some cool close range roundhouse kicks could be added for close range melee danger situations? I know they have the knife skill but that to me is still ranged.|||He have already seen her hunting passion. It's revealed in the char trailer and gameplay vids.
No clue what glowies are.
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