I'll be too busy summoning the undead with my Witch Doctor to notice anyway.|||Quote:
Does anyone think the DH wearing high heels in combat seems a little ... immature?
The Blizzard team said they wanted sexy and I think she's sexy enough without them.
It certainly makes the Demon Hunter look sexy when she is wearing heels, so if that was the intention of Blizzard, then I'd say they were successful.
But I do agree with you that it is ridiculous, especially in light of the facts that she is a demon hunter (you're not going to get far hunting demons wearing high heels) and this other thing called--I don't know--the feminist movement. Is it impossible for game developers to create a strong woman without resorting to making her look as sexy as possible? Sexy does not equate to strong, contrary to popular belief. More cleavage, high heels, and skimpier outfits does not define a strong woman (or a strong man), in other words. In fact, when I see these things (lots of cleavage, high heels, etc.) on a so-called hunter, it makes it difficult for me to take her seriously.|||Quote:
Is it impossible for game developers to create a strong woman without resorting to making her look as sexy as possible?
Have you seen images of the female Barb and Monk? Our Gallery has many pictures of both, as does Diablo 3's official site.
The Barbette, as we have called her, and Monk are both strong women, who are not overly sexy. I think the Wiz is cute for a teen, but not a sexy vibe IMO. I haven't gotten to see the WD without a mask so...
Anyway, Blizz has only done the sexiness to one single char. It's like in D2 where they had the zon. Wouldn't running so fast she disrupts time and space be killer on her back? Those bazookas need one heck of a sport bra.
And it seems you have missed the point of the char. She isn't supposed to give off any strong vibe--she's the agile char. Her strength is an inner one where she not only has the courage to stand up to demons, she actively seeks them when others cower in fear. Her strength isn't muscle or anything, and heels don't impact her vendetta at all.
Also, I'm pretty sure the dex based char wouldn't have problems wearing heels.
D2 already had a heeled char who was dex based. The sin did kicks in high heels! People choose now to be the time to complain? Were they blind for 10 years?|||Quote:
Yes, because barbarians, wizards and demons all scream of originality.

When you stack up all the chicks wearing the same freakin typical thing and compare it with the barbarian's Conan feel and non-existant emo wizards, there's no contest.|||Quote:
D2 already had a heeled char who was dex based. The sin did kicks in high heels! People choose now to be the time to complain? Were they blind for 10 years?
Your link doesn't work. But your image, is only art.Go look at the character screen. The Assassin doesn't wear high heels. Are the monsters going to drop high heels now? If sexy is all that's important, why not give them all giant breasts and make them scantily clad.|||Quote:
And it seems you have missed the point of the char. She isn't supposed to give off any strong vibe--she's the agile char. Her strength is an inner one where she not only has the courage to stand up to demons, she actively seeks them when others cower in fear. Her strength isn't muscle or anything, and heels don't impact her vendetta at all.
Also, I'm pretty sure the dex based char wouldn't have problems wearing heels.
D2 already had a heeled char who was dex based. The sin did kicks in high heels! People choose now to be the time to complain? Were they blind for 10 years?
LOL sass you just failed to make a point from the get go. yes we played the character for years and yes she never ever wore any heels. Infact in every damn armor look http://www.rpgforums.com/forums/d2-c...blo-2-lod.html of the assassin she wears plain boots just as in all other assassin art from blizzard except that picture.
Besides that point none of us said muscle made a strong character its far more complex then that.
some just dont like the idea of a accessory that was developed to make an female appears more sexy as a benefit for the lust of a usually male onlooker being the prime footwear of someone that should at least try to use some footwear that she could literally kick *** in.
After all she is a fighter that commonly fights demons not some damn plastic fantastic barbie girl that would cover the magazine of a magazine that targets males.|||Why ignore the part where only one class was specifically made sexy out of all of them? There was no reason to go off on some tangent and think it's all important.
EDIT: Lone ninja'd me, but also ignored the post. This also applies there.
Besides, sin art is just like DH art. Both have heels, but only now is it an issue. The game model sin doesn't have heels. She also doesn't go shirtless.
DH's concept has heels in some images (not all). You can't see them well in-game.
The only thing immature about any of this is the fuss being made.|||Well, this is the new art controversy thing then? Are her heels even visible in-gameplay?
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