EDIT: I've just seen the trailer. I guess she's cool and all, but please get rid of the glowy eyes! It's just not working for me. I also stand by that the name Demon Hunter is corny. At least we now have our 'dark' character, like D2 had the Necromancer.|||The trailer is good and grim. We'll see how it plays, though. My main beef w/ archer classes in the past has always been the "wizard w/ a bow" problem. How do you differentiate the two play styles enough to make it a meaningful choice? Traps? Summons/pets? Melee potential? It'll be interesting to see how they make it work, but so far it looks like a wizard w/ a crossbow.|||My prediction from a few months ago wasnt that bad

This is my quick fanart.
Post Link: http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=772728

I said it was going to be a Warden, instead it's named after the Wardens' enemy but has all the characteristics of the Warden (dark, hunter, tracker, assassin, all consuming purpose).
Seriously considering maining this.|||I like it alot but it is the same design as the vanquisher class in Torchlight, Dual wield ability with bombs. Looks neat though! Can't wait to play.|||Shes perfect! Only the name doesnt fit the character, something like Inquisitor woul had been best. But the character idea,model and gear is really, really awesome! I bet no one will dare to complain about her hat!|||I'm surprised I couldn't think of the name. It was so obvious especially since it was used in WC3. I was sort of hoping for something like a Demon Knight last year for the 4rth class. It's kind of a mix between the Warrior and Pally, but darker not like a Death Knight though. My ideal was for it to be a Knight that hunted Demons for the sake of vengeance which is exactly what the Demon Hunter does. I knew the class this year like most people did was going to be ranged, but it amazes me how I couldn't take my concept from the Demon Knight and put it with the "Hunter/Ranger" like class. I can't believe I couldn't put Demon and Hunter together. It's so obvious it kind of bugs me. Anyway, I really like the look of the Demon Hunter. The armor is what I imagined my Demon Knight would wear only this is a light version instead of a heavy version(of course). I really like the look of the Demon Hunter. I like the ideal and think it will be a fun class to play. I wonder how the male will look and I wonder if the Demon Hunter will get any melee abilities added to it later on. Looks like we got our "dark" class after all.|||Bouhahahahaahha! This character is like a perfect reflection of what my feelings are on the Archer class.
At first they tried the woodsland ranger boredom, and it was axed. Glory! Then they tried the melee hybrid, and it was tossed out the window. Wohoo! Then the shapeshifter... and it was rofled off the floor. Another point for mah dreams! And that's when they pretty much put in the exact archer I wanted - traps, mobility, pew pew. Visual callbacks to the armored looks of earlier Diablo classes is just a big, fat bonus on top of it all.
Plus, I absolutely love the Cartwheel (Vault) skill. I originally thought the Archer should have a sprint sort of ability for movement, but this is a much better idea.
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