Thursday, April 12, 2012

Demon Hunter Resource Possibility - Page 2


Lets say your total 'mana' is 100 value. If you have dual resources, one bulb would be 50 mana each. So if you limit yourself at using only 1 bulb, you would have a problem compared to those who don't.

BTW, what skill trees are you talkign about? There are no trees anylonger, or I've been misinformed.

Limit myself to only one half of mana have the benefit that I can dedicate all my trait points on that specific set of skills, likely maxing them out.

In fact, tradition DII actually rewards mini-maxing too much. You were better off in DII focusing on a few skills and maxing them out, rather than spreading them equally over two things. This punishes dual-skill users too much IMO.

And I mean trait point allocations. There would almost certainly be traits that benefit one type of skills over another. And we know you can't have every trait on the same character at once.|||I imagined demon blood but that would be so confusing. Unless it was yellow or black.|||With wizards and witch doctors already pretty much just using mana hopefully the demon hunter resource isn't just a double mana bar. That could be a case of a straightforward solution being harder to manage than a gimmicky one. Boring. Something where both hatred/discipline focused builds and hybrids are viable- I don't think blizzard wants to shoehorn players into any particular style. 'Mana' for hatred and cooldown for discipline? I like the idea of the mood shifting essence earlier in the thread. Maybe you could have a trait to feed hatred skills by draining health instead.

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