dual weilding cross bows is cool in theory, but for some reason I just think that regular bow and arrows are cooler, even after having seen all the cinematics and gameplay vids from Blizzcon. I am very relieved that from this screenshot, it appears Blizzard will be releasing bows as well as 1h xbows. Hopefully there will be plenty of high end legendaries / crafted / set items of each so that it remains a choice throughout the game.
This literally moves demon hunter from 4th to 3rd on my current play order (which really doesn't mean a lot since I generally swap the class I'm playing fairly quickly regardless of what game I'm playing, but it does mean something - order is now w - b - dh - m - wd for the curious)|||IIRC bows were seen as drops in some early vids released by Blizz and also seen in gameplay vids recorded by Flux on this site.|||I'm thinking there would be a new category for range weapons:
Bows - fast but low damage
Xbows - slow but high damage
1 handed xbows - fastest, but lowest damage. Get bonuses from equipping 2 of them.
EDIT: Sass, what you say makes sense.|||Why would 1 handed be extremely slow? I got the impression they were extremely fast, but weaker than the others.|||Quote:
dual weilding cross bows is cool in theory, but for some reason I just think that regular bow and arrows are cooler
i complete agree with this, for some reason I would always rather have a bow over a crossbow there is just some magic around it that makes it seem so awesome.|||I prefer uniqueness, so I hope bows are not overpowered again in D3.
There needs to be both pros and cons on each weapon type, if not it will be D2 all over again.|||Quote:
I prefer uniqueness, so I hope bows are not overpowered again in D3.
There needs to be both pros and cons on each weapon type, if not it will be D2 all over again.
Im sure Bow will be a slower shot with higher DPS, where Crossbows will be a faster shot with a lower DPS. Which in the long run will make then equal damage wise, thus you could say:
PRO of a bow would be longer range and harder hitting, while the CON being easer to interrupt your shots as mobs will be given move time to get to you.
Pro duel crossbows are more hit to the target, but closer range it needer amd shots arnt as strong.
While one handed crossbow would be somewhere in the middle of the to.|||Huh? Surely I must have misread your post blackbisket, after all you cannot be suggesting that bows would be slower then crossbows. The reload of a crossbow should be slower otherwise something would feel out of place.

Here's a crude example system that shows a bit what I would have wished for:
Launcher Damage Speed Range Critical Reqs
Heavy crossbow High Slow Long High Medium
Longbow Medium Fast Long Medium High
Light crossbow Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
Repeating crossbow Low Very fast Low Medium Medium
Short bow Low Very fast Low Low Low
In reality longbows should probably be superior to heavy crossbows if you are strong enough to pull the string. For heavy crossbows you need some kind of assisting mechanism that makes the reload more complicated, but the mechanism can compensate for a lower strength.
To compensate for higher basic dps of the longbow I'd like to see heavy crossbows doing more criticals, makes sense to make your shots count more when you're firing at a lower rate.
Light crossbows should be the middle ground, easier to use then longbows but inferior damage wise, I don't think it makes sense to balance it out so that light crossbows do the same damage as longbows when there are heavy crossbows up for the task.
Repeating crossbows are an interesting option, I'd like to see them be the fastest possible choice while you have arrows left in the "magazine", but then take a moment to reload. Kinda like a shotgun in FPS games, you only have maybe 8 shots to fire quickly and then you need to reload. This dynamic would however probably frustrate some players ...
Short bows should be the most basic of missile launchers, since even a child can use it it should be inferior to most other options, only practical aspect in using one should be a consistent very fast rate of fire.
Something like that would be a good base for the physical damage aspects of the ranged weapons, when you add things like poisoned arrows and similar aspects I'd like the smaller launchers to become better options, but for pure physical damage a large one should simply be better. I'd like to see different IAS caps for short and longbows so a short bow will always be able to become faster then a longbow etc, but not as big of a difference as the xbow/bow got in d2.
Not sure where I'd put dual crossbows though ...|||I ment in the firing process as it takes longer to pull a bow back that simple tap the trigger on a crossbow. I didnt get into the whole before u can fire again stuff. I know a bow is easer to load but I didnt get into that.
Im sure whatever is put out will have its PROs and COMs, so in the end they will do similar DPS to MOBs in a giver duration. Thus, a weapon type is mot dismissed altogether.
As for DW crossbows, maybe they well be an auto loading style kinda like ur repeater idea but you got two so the Damage goes to Medium, Speed drops down to fast, Range remains low, and Critical remain at Medium as well. Sound right?|||Thought as much when I reread your post, and indeed you are right. In d2 terms the action frame of crossbows should be earlier in the animation sequence so that the bolt is fired very early in that sequence.
Yeah, basing the dual crossbows on a repeater mechanism would make sense. Should make it easier to reload since you don't have to fumble with the bolts every time but only use some kind of lever to pull the string back. Without such construction you'd have to insert a new bolt after each shot, which sounds kinda bothersome when your hand is busy holding the other pistol crossbow ...

And yes, think having dual crossbows equal to longbow in terms of overall damage makes sense. Still lower range but since it is firing more shots per second you gain a lot of style and more effectiveness if you could use poisoned bolts/arrows etc.
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