You have any idea how hard it is to balance and flesh out a fantasy world Apoc?
heck just switching from being a dm for a high fantasy game session(this is what the world sanctuary from the diablo series is) to a low fantasy setting is a challenge.
The diablo 3 devs are trying to build a world here apoc not some flimsy little arcade game without a story or background to why your killing things.
Building a world is a serious undertaking that takes iteration after iteration to get even remotely near what your vision is. Its also very hard to do since you often have to make sure to kill your darlings over and over since they might sound awesome on paper but during play testing they end up not fitting into the setting your created or some parts might fit while others do not.
If you look at the crafting sanctuary videos its exactly what they talk about when they explain how they made the demon hunter.|||Elektra could kill many enemies in high heels, I don't see why the DH can't

Does anyone think the DH wearing high heels in combat seems a little ... immature?
The Blizzard team said they wanted sexy and I think she's sexy enough without them.
Yeah I think the concern about sexy is a little immature maybe, but if both classes have it its ok

and you can be sexy without being impractical. badass first, sexy second. high heels are impractical--remove em. I'm sure you can justify em, after all its a world with tons of magic, but to me it just shows Blizz values sexiness over practical-badassness.
reminds me of complaints about impractical female superhero costumes: or|||Quote:
and because its a game every female character needs to be a teenagers wetdream Telzen?
fine way to potentiality turn female players away from the game. Myself i find it silly there is no need at all to have something like high heels on a female character.
lol really bud? every female character needs to be a teenagers wetdream? You mean like the witchdoctor? Yea she's a babe, the barb too right, love my women with bigger muscles than me. I'm also extremely attracted to short haired monk females, they're chastity is a total turn on. The fact is, good looking women do exist and so it would be wrong if all of the female characters were ugly. The guy demon hunter is going to be good looking too, is that a problem? If anyone really doesn't play the game because there is a good looking chick they have bigger problems. And on the point of the heels, heels/sweet boots, are badass, and chicks love them too. There is no need for a witch doctor to have a giant mask with waving tentacles, try walking around with that thing on your face, but it is Awesome, and that is why it exists, same as high heels.|||Quote:
There is no need for a witch doctor to have a giant mask with waving tentacles, try walking around with that thing on your face, but it is Awesome, and that is why it exists, same as high heels.
Oh yes, what he said.|||I said the same thing when I seen her video, I don't think she looks sexy in heels. To be honest if she was more like the Hunter/Ninja she somewhat portraits her shoes would be more cloth and more usable. I hope they change that, and honestly it shouldn't push female players away, it is just a game. My Wife will play, but she agrees it is somewhat immature by the dev's. They should have asked there wives.|||I'm not understanding this immature trend.|||Quote:
I'm not understanding this immature trend.
There isn't anything to understand.
High Heels = Sexy = MAUST BE IN DAH GAEM
It's not a trend, it's the reality of target demographic driven design. Diablo 3 is a lot better about this than most games are, though. They limited the sterotypical sexy to just one class.|||Not a trend as in why the devs chose it, a trend as in why posters are harping on it via the term "immature".
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