I am disapointed by this. I hoped MS was still working as it did in D2. You could choose the angle of the "fan of arrows" that you were sending by clicking at different distances from your characters. I think it added a bit of interest to the skill : you could make a small fan to hit a tight pack of monsters that was far away from you. Or a large fan if you were surrounded by monsters.
Sure, the new MS will do that if it hits every monster that is in front of you, but I prefer the idea of doing this by myself. It adds a little twist to this skill that I like.
The sheer number of arrows from MS in D3 makes this unnecessary, I think.
Agreed that aiming them wisely was essential strategy in D2; I always laughed when I saw a Bowazon with lvl 20+ MS in D2, when that was such a waste of skill points if you knew how to aim them. More than about 10 arrows was almost always a waste, given good aim and Pierce allowing each one to hit multiple enemies.
Look at the shots of the skill in D3, though. Can you even count the arrows? I just tried on the shot below and got around 100, with a very quick skim. That's how it looked at level 1. Clearly it's not the same skill as D2. MS in D3 might as well be called Wall of Arrows.

I don't post here that often but I decided to make an input about...what you mentioned above :P
I feel the multishot has wayyyy to many arrows. I want it to be kind of like each rankpoint puts maybe +2 arrows to the skill.
But I would totally buy it if it looked like this rain of arrows with a rune attached to the skill.|||I count between 72 and 75, I may have counted a few twice. With that many and a character that is probably under clvl 30 I would guess its a rune that makes multiples of the skill or something. I would hope the same rune could be added to grenades so you could throw like 12 of them and do a lot of area damage.
Personally, I don't like comparing the DH skills to multishot or other amazon skills. The game is completely different and I would argue that though it is a ranged class, it plays more like the assassin. The DH version of the multishot is more like a shotgun in my opinion, it's not meant to kill large swaths of monters. Notice in the screen shot provided by Flux that there are multiple rows of arrows. Monsters and other enemies are definitely getting hit more than once with that skill.
With enough damage and maybe some buffs from DH skills or items, i think the DH multishot could be used more like a shotgun, as a high damage output, high mana cost skill. I can't wait to get my hands on the DH.|||I also liked the Diablo 2 form of Multistrike as it added a layer of depth to the skill - along with planning which I think would play right into the DH motifs.|||This might have been discussed in the rune think tank thread, but for those who have played the DH, what benefits do you think runes could add to Vault? There are some passive effects I can think of (lower mana cost, lower cool down), but those also seem like the only thing additional skill points would provide for it as well.
Were there any potential rune effects that you might have thought, "Man, if Vault did this, that would have helped there?" while playing?|||As for MS, there may be runes which turn it into what we traditionally think of when we think of MS (ie the Amazon). This would give it fewer arrows with more punch, and a wider arc.
As for vault, I think a rune which left a trail of fire behind you as you vaulted would be pretty cool. Or, perhaps, the DH throws a stun grenade up and vaults backward. The grenade goes off a few seconds later, stunning the monsters while the DH remains at a safe distance.|||hi,,,good,,thank you|||<a href="http://www.standartraf.com"> raf sistemleri,raf,klasor rafı,arsiv rafı,depo rafı,malzeme rafi,celik raf,kumas raflari,konfeksiyon rafi,asma katli raf sistemi,lastik rafi,hafif yuk raflari,elbise aski raflari,raf sistemi,depo raf sistemleri,palet raflari,rayli arsiv dolabi,galvaniz raf,plastik raf,agir yuk raflari,metal raf,evrak raflari,hareketli arsiv dolabi,civatali raf,ayarlanabilir raf,kumas raf,paslanmaz raf,celik raf,depo raflari,istif rafları,dosya dolabi,soyunma dolabi </a> I am really fan of your site. Thanks.Good work|||Quote:
So, I made this thread concerning about demon hunter's actual skills and gameplay. I have zero interest how this class is related to other blizzard games such as WC3 or WoW. If you are interested about the lore and stuff like that please go into following thread instead and please keep this thread separate of such things: http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=783140
That thing cleared out, what do you think about demon hunter's actual skills and gameplay? After finished watching the 19 min gameplay about mostly demon hunter I found her skills somewhat awkward for some reason. I find ranged classes to be really interesting and I think that it is my way of playing in any rpg -related game, and I know that there are people who like to play such classes also.
But for some reason demon hunter's skills seemed weird to me. I mean crenades and delayed skills such as entangling shot is just.. I don't know.. they somehow seemed "out of place". Like the crenades just seem too unpredictable and unstable. The whole gameplay of that video isn't really fluent for some reason, just shoot random mob, wait for 3 sec and repeat. It simply doesn't look fun. If I would play ranged class I would constantly nuke those mobs and try to avoid being in melee range.
All skills won't be built so they look like a simple and simple obvious cookie cutter build (aka WoW Cataclysm). Skills like grenades are there to make unexecpected encounters in PvP as an example. DH gots skills to shoot from far and avoid, and I'll play DH if i can rely on a good ranged damage capacities. Also, if simple ranged attacks / multi shots aren't reliable for dealing all the damage you need, maybe a rotation with grenade will increase DPS. And I doubt we will only have to use 2 spells, I think they aim for 4 +
Hopefully you can specialize more into the more "ranged aspect" such as multishot and really heavy oriented ranged skills. But anyway, what do you think about it?
You can find the actual gameplay video from here:
I'll definitly start to play DH for the DII looks and PvM potential.
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