Van Helsing fits the DH exactly! A metrosexual Van Helsing, that is...>.<
My thoughts, mostly... I wouldn't say metrosexual per se, but actually more like an "Acrobatic Van Helsing"... Thus it is thinner and more ninja-proportioned...
After all, it wouldn't make much sense seing the typical Van Helsing vaulting around or would it?|||Hugh Jackman vaulting would be very funny! I agree on the athletic type though. The prince of persia concept that was posted above is kinda cool also!
I'm hoping it wouldn't look as effeminate as the m wizard though...
what if they didn't stereotype the classes? There must be some buff, athletic Wizard if they existed, right? And maybe some malnourished or obese barbs, too! Some of my professors are sylvester stallone-built, why can't my wiz be buff?|||Quote:
Hugh Jackman vaulting would be very funny! I agree on the athletic type though. The prince of persia concept that was posted above is kinda cool also!
I'm hoping it wouldn't look as effeminate as the m wizard though...
what if they didn't stereotype the classes? There must be some buff, athletic Wizard if they existed, right? And maybe some malnourished or obese barbs, too! Some of my professors are sylvester stallone-built, why can't my wiz be buff?
For the record, a buffed up Wizard does make sense... Just look at some Vegas mages... or even Wc3's Blood Mage... I guess Blizz didn't want it this time for some strange reason...|||And they make the DH class the "prettiest"...
I really have bad vibes on this class. The first 4 were standard (m. wiz = sub-standard), then they go all-hollywood on the dh? That's batcrap insane! DH imo should look like the paranoid schizos that they are!|||Quote:
And they make the DH class the "prettiest"...
I really have bad vibes on this class. The first 4 were standard (m. wiz = sub-standard), then they go all-hollywood on the dh? That's batcrap insane! DH imo should look like the paranoid schizos that they are!
Well... Good news here is that you are not forced to play a DH, in Co-op you can just never ally with one, and in PvP you can kill them... That's the good thing of having 5 different classes after all...
Alas, this isn't good new for you if you happen to like her gameplay, so yeah... What can we do?|||Quote:
I think they're going to go more glam rock/Mad Max combo. He'll have some metrosexual facial features and eye liner, maybe big hair, but his equipment will look a bit scavenged and worn, rather than being all new and shiny and perfect like the female DH's.
Actually, that's not true. He'll be in gear just as perfectly new and pretty and shiny as hers. The Bliz artists like doing neat, uniform-like outfits too much to actually put in more realistic gear. I do think the inevitable backlash and fan anger will be about him being too pretty and glam, though.
Yea and they even said it "we'll make the male DH just as attractive". Also there has to be something for the emo girls to enjoy and write erotic fan fiction about!|||My girlfriend is actually planning to play as DH. If we both went DH, it'll be problematic item-wise. And I'm torn between Wiz(metrosexual) or WD(old, and weird).
Although both of 'em would possibly wear flamboyant colors, I'd probably still choose the WD coz at least he looks like a guy...
@cpdoom: LOL! you forgot about gays, too.|||Quote:
Well, they DID say that Van Helsing was a strong influence and reference when designing the Demon Hunter class. So it's pretty safe to say that the Male version will look very similar to how Hugh Jackman looks in that movie.
We will likely have a trench coat and hat as a replacement for the Cowl that the female has, in terms of clothing accessories for the costume design. One thing is for sure, If the male version looks anything like that, I am sure as hell going to roll one. That is just too pimp to not try.
Agreed. I've been hoping for a Van Helsing-like class since '08. Please, Blizz, give us at least one trenchcoat and brim hat gear set.|||I was catching up on the media coverage page and hit the news about the mDH coming soon, from mid-January. And it linked to this thread. Hence... threadsurrection time!
I'm not sure who was right in their predictions? All of us who said he'd be pretty and have overly-shiny armor for a class who lives in the wild and scavenges from demon parts, maybe.
That silhouette from the blizzcon char selection screen seems fairly inaccurate, at least. Looks like it's from some of the earlier, forest/desert range style concept art, which got thrown out when they rebooted the class design with the DH concept.

Also, this.
Judging from the fM and the mDH, the class selection silhouettes seem to be concept art from earlier in the design process, which will probably not very closely reflect the final game version.

That silhouette from the blizzcon char selection screen seems fairly inaccurate, at least. Looks like it's from some of the earlier, forest/desert range style concept art, which got thrown out when they rebooted the class design with the DH concept.
I beg to differ... The siloutte could simply be the DH without the hood... the body fits...
But we shall see soon I hope hehe...
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