The bullet point list below is lazily copied from the excellent wiki article. It's got links and citations and lots more quotes, etc.
* The fifth class will be announced at BlizzCon 2010.[3]
* The fifth class was one of the first the D3 Team sketched out. (Likely meaning its a traditional RPG class.)
* There's no character in the game yet who specializes in bows or ranged weapons.
** The fifth character will fit a niche not occupied by any other character. [4]
** The fifth class is said to be very similar to/inspired by a class from an earlier game in the series. [5]
*** The return of any other Diablo 2 chars has been ruled out. (For D3; some might return in expansion packs.)
** The Diablo 1 Warrior is too generic and his combat role is filled by the Barbarian and Monk.
** The Diablo 1 Sorcerer would be redundant with the Wizard.
** The Monk, added in Hellfire is already in the game, though the D3 Monk traces no official lineage to the Hellfire version. (The D3 Team has disowned him and de-canon'ed Hellfire entirely.)
* This leaves the Diablo 1 Rogue as the only realistic returning character option.
If anyone wants to disagree, or argue against it, go for it.
I think it's kind of boring with the 5th char seeming to be so cut and dried in advance. I wish they'd revealed the Rogue last year, so this year we'd all be wildly speculating. It would be clear that some kind of melee char, lighter of a tank than the Barb, was the 5th. But that leaves open a lot of possibilities, and I'm sure no one would have guessed exactly the Monk.
So if you want to guess for teh 5th char, the degree of difficulty should be higher. How will bows work in D3? Will arrows be an item type with varying quality levels? What sort of resource would work best? What complimentary skills: traps, debuffs, speed, pets, stealth, etc?|||Lest you think your interest in a non-character is abnormal... it's not.
The fifth character page in the wiki has around 166k views. This is considerably more than any of the actual character pages; the most of the others are the Barb and Wiz around 85k views.
Admittedly, the other 4 all have skills pages and resource pages and such, with hundreds of thousands of views on them, but just for one page about a non-feature, the 5th char page does amazingly well. Mostly from google hits, I suppose.
It's actually the 3rd most viewed page on the entire Diablo 3 wiki, less than 1% behind Diablo III release date, and since the main page is miles out in first, and it loads by default from the domain name, it shouldn't really count.|||hum lots of contradictions in those quotes.
this: ** The fifth character will fit a niche not occupied by any other character. [4]
contradict this: * There's no character in the game who specializes in bows or ranged weapons
the other classes already take up the niche of heavy armored melee dps as well as light armored fast melee dps and we also have fast light armored ranged magic as well as slower ranged magic/summoner.
that leaves ranged physical but since the fifth class wont specialize in ranged combat nor bows there is no niche left.
thrown weapons as well as crossbows (and guns though i hope they never find their way into a diablo game) are all weapons for a dedicated ranged combatant. So they could not be used as the primary weapons.
But we already has melee and magic covered so it seems it has no niche left to fill.
this seems to point to a hybrid character but how that is going to work is anyones guess because weapon swap is out it wont work well. The only way it could work logically is by using throw weapons.
But thrown weapons are very very rarely used in melee combat since they are not built for it nor does it fill any niche the other character classes does not already fill.
besides if the focus is not on ranged what else could they focus on?
traps? but physical this time...
melee even if it would be stealth focused would still not be its own niche in my opinion its just another melee combatant and then we would lack a ranged physical attacker so that seems like a bad idea.
i dont get how the fifth character is going to fit its own niche without ranged attacks.|||i agree that the archer should ahve already been announced so the 5th would be a mystery. they could have left either the WD or monk til the end and no one would really guess those would have been fun. i hope the main xpac char is a sword/board user though since the monk seems to have killed that for now|||Quote:
i agree that the archer should ahve already been announced so the 5th would be a mystery. they could have left either the WD or monk til the end and no one would really guess those would have been fun. i hope the main xpac char is a sword/board user though since the monk seems to have killed that for now
leaving the WD until last would only have worked if they'd made clear, about 50x, that the necro wasn't returning. Otherwise there would have been gnashing of teeth and rending of garments when the necro-esque WD appeared.
But it certainly would have been a surprise!
I hope something about the rogue is a surprise; how she uses bows or how her resource works or how her support skills are designed. It'll be interesting to see, and I'm sure fans will be instantly very technically-critical. No one did much of that about the Monk, since we had no idea what his playing style was. Everyone knows how bowazons play, and if it doesn't seem like the Rogue is an improvement or is well-balanced, etc, there will be much anger and dismay.|||I can't imagine how much they can do with pewpew skills.
You shoot an arrow. It's made of fire. You shoot an arrow. It's a bunch of arrows. Kind of covers the bases.
I would imagine it wouldn't be a purely ranged class.|||you shot an arrow it shatters into splinters that does AOE physical damage.
you shot an arrow that goes so fast it creates shockwaves(magic) it deals more damage to armored targets as well as stun at a certain % chance.
You shot an arrow it disappear after you shot it and suddenly it hits the monster from its own shadow and cause it to go blind for a while.
you shot an arrow with enough force to throw your enemy back and make it fall down on the ground.
you shot an arrow that target your enemies legs slowing them when it hits.
you start to rotate on the spot your standing letting arrow after arrow fly from your bow doing an AOE nova attacks centered on you. It also push monsters back.
i could go on with much more variants but no risingred there are plenty of things to do with "pewpew" skills|||Quote:
i could go on with much more variants but no risingred there are plenty of things to do with "pewpew" skills
"You shoot an arrow, it does something."|||Yea, It would be kind of boring if the 5th class is just an updated Rogue. I'd be disappointed.
I have a few guesses on what the class will be.
I think it will be something like a "Ranger" that not only specializes in bows, but swords, stealth...
I think it will be an updated Rogue.
I think it will be something based off of the Amazon. Like a "Spartan" or something. Some class that uses shields, short bows, javelins, spears, short-swords...
I think it will be something based off of our Desert Merc from Diablo 2.
Those are my 4 guesses. My 1st guess would be kind of, meh. I hope it's not my 2nd guess. I'd be happly if the 5th class was something like my 3rd or 4rth guess.
What would be totally shocking if it was something completely different. Like a Knight, I know it's unlikely, but thats why it would so shocking. Personally, I like those types of classes. The Warrior and Pally were cool, but I'm not expecting something like them until an expansion. Wait, what if it's the Necro and Blizzard has been lying to us the entire time!|||Quote:
"You shoot an arrow, it does something."
you swing a weapon it does something (barb and monk)
you cast a spell it does something (wizard and witch doctor)
guess what risingred the same could be said about the other classes

just because you might not have any ideas for ranged skills does not mean the rest of us have that problem.
I could easily post more then 25 skills just from dnd 4 edition and that is one single game where pewpew skills have been made and used. There are much more games out there that has had ranged skills and its not likely to stop in the future either.
You see many like the idea of an ranged character and so they will come up with idea on how such a character could work.
Imagination is a strong force.
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