(Your ideas are not required to be accurate to Diablo canon.)
Personally, i'd like to see a shape shifting class with different trees for Defensive, Offensive, and Passive shifts.
Defensive= Some kind of Medusa skill, where snakes morph out of your body and strike nearby attackers periodically, similar to a "Thorns Aura", but done a lot more stylish and bad ***.
Offensive= The ability to morph yourself into specific aggressive animals, or, as I'd personally prefer, the ability to morph your arms into things like big arcane tentacles, or huge spiked claws. animalistic, yet retaining your characters actual humanity. Perhaps the effects could increase visually as you level them up?
Passive= Abilities to provide passive bonus'. Now, when I say passive, I mean after casting. eg. Turning your skin to stone, and for the next 2 minutes receiving a passive -10% damage taken.
There are a few ideas of mine to get this rolling.

seriously though i would like to see a shapeshifter in the xpac but i want more than 2 forms. i would like to see a magic casting form, and 3 melee forms. the 3 melee forms i would like to see would be more defense, pure offense, and a balanced.|||I would like to see a shapeshifter class which actually shapeshifts. Perhaps his resource system could be gained primarily through shapeshifting, etc, rather than spending the whole time in one form.
I reckon 5 forms would be ideal, with each character then focusing on 2 or 3. Different forms should have powerful, specialised advantages and huge weaknesses so that they are suited to very different situations.|||yeah if you are gonna make a shapeshifter class make it actually need to change shapes often otherwise just introduce a wearwolf class instead|||The Skinwalker.
Not sure if anyone remembers that rumor but it actually sounded very plausible. He was basically a dark druid. He had a werewolf transformation, like the d2 druid, but it made much more sense with the darker theme since a werewolf isn't a natural being. There was also several ghostly transformations and abilities. My favorite aspect was that he used the spilled blood from enemies or himself to boost battle prowess.
It was a dark themed character class a little different from the norm.
The name sucks though.|||Before the Monk class was announced I thought the final two characters would be a Ranger/Archer and a full plate �sword and board� character. I took the second and created a character that would fill the defensive, armored tank, role as well as shapeshifting.
Of course now this class could only be introduced in an expansion because like most of you, I see the role of a ranged physical damage character the most important one to fill in the initial release.
My idea for a shapeshifter would be very different from what we are all used to in D2. I wanted to get away from a single form and have a much faster paced combat with the ability to utilize several different situational shapeshifting forms without feeling like you spread yourself too thin and ending up much, much weaker then a specialist. Who ever heard of a wolf/bear Druid? Think of the shapeshifting forms as very long acting skills/buffs instead of the D2 model.
You would not be able to stay in one form and would have to switch between them as well as the armored human form during gameplay. To make this possible I have all the remaining skills you invest in be available in all forms, including your human form since this class requires some time outside of a shapeshift. It is important for the character to always feel powerful. Instead I put individual, intrinsic characteristics on all the forms to alter gameplay instead of having specific skills that can only be used by one form or another. However, maybe there could be room for a few that are specific as long as it is just a few. I just don�t want a player to be too invested in just one form that they don�t feel powerful the whole time instead of just in that one form.|||I designed a much darker fully armored character than the D2 Paladin. I tied into the canonical idea that humans on Sanctuary are the product of the union of Angels and Demons. Like the Nephlem of history, this new class taps into a power within themselves� it just happens to be power that originated from the demonic side instead of the angelic one.
A new knightly order was founded and opened its ranks to both the men and women of Sanctuary. Military discipline and training were married to an understanding of the latent powers within man, granted by their demon ancestors.
This character is not a demon. He is a human who has learned to tap the demonic powers inherent in all humankind due to their dual angelic and demonic origins. He uses this darker side of his ancestry to gain strength to fight the incursion of the Burning Hells.
This character is order where the barbarian is chaos. His strikes are precise and calculated. His movements are quick and deliberate. He is a deadly and disciplined fighter. His equipment is not worn down or ragged. It has been meticulously cared for by a military mind. Dark yet polished to a high gloss, we will see the Shadowknight in primarily in black, dark blues, and grays. Full plate, unadorned and efficient, without the outrageous embellishments of the Barbarian, is the Shadowknight's armor of choice. Often equipping a sword and shield, the Shadowknight is also practiced at wielding other one and two hand weapons.|||The Shapeshifting Forms I listed under the �Demonic Visage� tree. (This was well before the skill trees and tiers of skills were taken out by Blizzard)
Demonic Visage:
Scourge � a small, upright scavenger(from D2)-like creature with bony protrusions, large hands, and long arms.
- Offensive form with lightning fast Zeal-like attacks, moving almost instantaneously from one target to the next within the expanded weapon range, returning to his original position at the end of the attack.
- Weapon range increased three times
- Up to 5 attacks with a max of 2 attacks per enemy
- Negative armor and life modifier
Obsidian Golem � humanoid black rock monolith with shifting light patterns under the surface
- Defensive form with high survivability but negative damage modifiers
- All attacks have a 30% chance to stun
- Large +armor and +damage reduction to mitigate physical attacks
Elemental Specter - a smoky, indistinct humanoid form
- High elemental resists
- Damage converted to equal parts fire/cold/lightning
Inferno Knight � a large red humanoid demon with burning skin and folded wings. He holds the characters specific weapons but they are engulfed in flames.
- Highly offensive form that suffers from a large life drain while transformed
- All attacks have a 30% chance to create an AoE explosion on point of impact
- All attacks (magical and physical) receive an increased 20% in damage
Anyway, that was my idea of a shapeshifter I would personally love to play. The full lore and background story as well as a list of possible skills to use while in these forms can be found at this LINK There are also pictures of how I see the different forms looking.
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