If Amazon was ported to D3, and made into a PvP character with Faith Runeword and Fortitude Runeword, how would it fair against our new Demon Hunter with the skills and information released so far?
Would it totally dominate since it has Leech and high 7 FPS or does our Demon Hunter have new skills that can compensate for that?|||Eeekkk...
Difficult to compare.
We do not know all the skills of the Demon Hunter. We know all the skills of the Amazon, but she has much less than the DH will have in the end.
Actually I would say amazon because of "Guided Arrow", piercing... But, once again we do not know a lot about the DH.|||Leech wouldn't help the Amazon since it doesn't work in PvP. The same goes for GA's pierce.
I'd say DH since vault alone is a great escape, which the amazon only loosely had.
DH doesn't have GA as far as we know, but has much more utility bow skills. I'd say her for now.|||Well GA was bugged that been fixed. Anyway I tell you DM will win as there's no Arrows in D3 the Amazon stuck with just magic arrow.|||Well as someone says, the Guided Arrow can no longer be combined with Pierce after 1.10.
Obviously if Amazon gets ported over, it would gain the benefit of arrows because that would be stupid.
Amazon also has access to a javazon tree on switch.
How does Vault function? Is it more similar to charge or is it really just a visually more appealing teleport.|||Quote:
I'm curious what people think.
If Amazon was ported to D3, and made into a PvP character with Faith Runeword and Fortitude Runeword, how would it fair against our new Demon Hunter with the skills and information released so far?
Would it totally dominate since it has Leech and high 7 FPS or does our Demon Hunter have new skills that can compensate for that?
Your point is based on a char with gear you know vs a char on which we know close to nothing about her gear.. So imo difficult to say...
Gear doesn't mean everything.. GA is a powerfull skil

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