Anyone read the "antistamina" thing i wrote in the other thread?
The way it is it doesn't really differ from the Wizard's Arcane Power. In both, you deplete it by casting your spells, and it recharges quickly when you do something else. It could be a workable idea, I don't know, but at least it needs more twist. Maybe something like the lower you go, the less damage you deal. I'm sure you can think of something even better.

Or it could go to a whole another direction. Like bloodlust, where the resource builds up somehow like fury, but once it goes full you briefly get infinite resources until the bubble resets after a while.|||Quote:
Maybe something like the lower you go, the less damage you deal. I'm sure you can think of something even better.

I have been thinking about a concept along those lines, a sort of stamina/focus resource. My idea is that the resource modifies certain stats depending on how much you have available. I haven't been able to find a meaningful way of putting a gameplay related replenishment in though.
A full orb could award increased accuracy, rate of fire, crit chance, piercing or just flat damage. A depleted orb would then substract from that boost.
It could be used on auto attacks only, although that would be a bit boring long term i guess, so it should modify how skills work as well.
Gameplay wise it will make you want to consider using expensive skills vs. cheap, sustained damage vs. burst, go all out on a champ and be weakend for the rest of the pack, perhaps rate of fire on weapon and skills.
Traits should be able to drastically alter the way the resource works. Speccing one way makes you a fast firing machine gun and another a slow firing artillery. Maybe this will be accomplished through the skills and runes that the DH gets, which I think it will, but none the less I really like the idea of performance scaling like described above.
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