(Note that this is entirely speculation and for all we know the image may just be a placeholder for the real male DH)
Full cast of male characters (Monk and DH blacked out to indicate non-playable)

Just the male DH silhouette

At first glance you notice he's a scrawny guy (as to be expected). His hair is mid-length just longer than female monk's I guess. He appears to have something on his head- Maybe it's some sort of hat, head wrap, or perhaps he could be hooded. It may just be a particular hairstyle.
Moving downward, he looks like he has something covering his neck. The signature scarf? His legs appear to be wrapped as well just below the knees.
His upper body armor is light and his forearms seem to be bare aside from his single arm bracer. He also appears to be wearing a belt.
Just for fun I tried to fill in the silhouette using only my crap mspaint skills. Representing what I described in crappy colors. It got a little more screwed up when I saved it as png. It's not really meant to be taken seriously, it's more of a guidline of how I was reading his silhouette.

For the record, when I saw the silhouette, I immediately thought of Shiek from the Zelda series. Perhaps there's some inspiration there?

What do you guys think? How do you think he will look in D3? Do you even think that the model used on the CS screen is real and not just a placeholder? I'd like to see more fill-ins to see it how you guys see it.|||Bwahahah awesome paint job man, he looks like a creepy french dude! But really, I think the CS screen is somewhat real. If you notice, all the filled in chars have a weapon in their hands while the monk and DH do not. Maybe it is the bare clothes model w/o some armor and missing the weapons|||Wow, he's actually scrawnier than I expected. Still can't wait to see him, though.

Actually, that's not true. He'll be in gear just as perfectly new and pretty and shiny as hers. The Bliz artists like doing neat, uniform-like outfits too much to actually put in more realistic gear. I do think the inevitable backlash and fan anger will be about him being too pretty and glam, though.|||@Flux: Lol, first thing that flashed to my mind is the Beckham twins, err couple, with their uniform fashion!|||

Add another crossbow, maybe remove the hat and make him slighly thinner, and there you have it.|||Van Helsing fits the DH exactly! A metrosexual Van Helsing, that is...>.<|||Well, they DID say that Van Helsing was a strong influence and reference when designing the Demon Hunter class. So it's pretty safe to say that the Male version will look very similar to how Hugh Jackman looks in that movie.
We will likely have a trench coat and hat as a replacement for the Cowl that the female has, in terms of clothing accessories for the costume design. One thing is for sure, If the male version looks anything like that, I am sure as hell going to roll one. That is just too pimp to not try.
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