But Lone_Wolf a lot of the skills you suggested can be achieved through different Skill Runes.
That's why the class probably wont be made up of purely Bow skills. If it was I think it would only be played by people that really wanted to play a Bowazon/ OG Rogue, not to many others would even try the class.
As it stands now I still don't know what class I will play first, cause each one has something that interests me.
So if the 5th class has bow skills/ trap skills/ and nature spells, then I would be interested, but if its just Bow skills...

PS: What about a bear that shoots a bow that shoots bears. Now we are talking
Of course it wont only be bow skills that would get boring fast im just pointing out that creating bow skills for a character class to use is in no way hard work.
as for skill runes well that could be said of every character class so its kind of a given.
Still it will be interesting to see how the fifth character class will look and behave.|||I really hate to admit this at the risk of being flamed, but I hope they do a somewhat direct rip-off of the hunter class from WoW. Some really great potential there with a persistent and useful pet (which we haven’t really seen in the game yet), the ability to use ranged weapons only, but with the tools to create distance and kite (frost traps, disengage, etc.) they could do plenty to make the gameplay for this archetype dynamic, and go well beyond simply ‘fire an ice arrow.’ They can tie abilities together, much like they did in WoW, and have a symbiotic relationship between the pet and the ability to deal ranged damage. They can share debuffs, stuns, enhance eachothers damage, etc. create opportunities for escape, etc.
Regardless of whatever class they end up with, I hope it’s a blockbuster, and not just a dull ranged class archetype.|||The WoW hunter is about the dullest ranged class archetype in existence. It's only barely saved by traps.|||Quote:
The WoW hunter is about the dullest ranged class archetype in existence. It's only barely saved by traps.
I obviously disagree.

I think the gameplay is fun, and the skill cap (at least in WoW) was tremendously high. You could pick up a hunter and be decent quite easily (which is dull, admittedly), but they have so many tools to control most any situation if you are good. Regardless, I'm not trying to compare WoW to Diablo 3 or anything like that, I'm just simply hoping that if the 5th class is indeed a physical ranged class, I hope it's got some depth to it, like the hunter.|||Quote:
Regardless, I'm not trying to compare WoW to Diablo 3 or anything like that, I'm just simply hoping that if the 5th class is indeed a physical ranged class, I hope it's got some depth to it, like the hunter.
I hope so too. Personally, I'm fine with the D3 devs taking good ideas from WoW (or anywhere else) if they're appropriate: they've stated clearly that Diablo is not WoW, and I don't think they'll try to impose WoW models on D3 just for the sake of it. Anyway, we'll find out soon enough...|||Depth is nice, but a pet should really stay out of it. It promotes turret gameplay if it has any power (it obviously didn't in WoW, but there are very specific balance reasons for that). If pets were basically distractions, or weak things that encouraged active movement/combat, that would be awesome, but WD pretty much monopolized that exact style of pets already.|||@lone_wolf
heck we could have arrows that spawn webs or tendrils when they impact something slowing or immobilizing enemies.
Sacred had a skill that spawned spiders(Maybe you got it from there?)they were actual spiders that would attack just like a summon except they died after a bit.Another game Ive played you fire arrows into the air a bit like Assassin Fireblast except several at a time that move forward(or is it backwards) so you have to time them with enemy movements,very different IMO.Bow skills can be as diverse as any other skill the only difference really is its ranged and not close up and often uses a weapons damage as a base.|||I just really hope that the 5th character is highly focused on bows and not other throwing weapons like knives and throwing axes. Throwing spears are a good second option but that would be too close to the D2 Amazon.
Just can't wait to see what Bliz has up thier sleves.

Sacred had a skill that spawned spiders(Maybe you got it from there?)they were actual spiders that would attack just like a summon except they died after a bit.Another game Ive played you fire arrows into the air a bit like Assassin Fireblast except several at a time that move forward(or is it backwards) so you have to time them with enemy movements,very different IMO.Bow skills can be as diverse as any other skill the only difference really is its ranged and not close up and often uses a weapons damage as a base.
nope taken from an debate about arcane archer skills that would be fun to have.|||And thus, it was revealed... I like the idea of a Demon Hunter...
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