Right now, she uses the WD's mana and can keep it up. In gameplay, I'd imagine it'd be like a abrb leaping or a wiz teleporting: you can, but you won't be able to spam it.
If you can do it with little cost, then it's OP. Otherwise, it's an escape skill. She won't vault into a mob, and likely can't do it past doors and pits.|||Actually never really considered mana cost or w.e it is the dh will use. My main concern was with rushing through mobs and rushing acts, I'm sure some people liked rushing but i did not. She could rush past mobs kill a couple things get mana and rush some more.(I'm sure mana will be changed though or i hope so anyway)|||That's part of the problem here. We don't know if she also has a "leech" style mana system.
We also don't know how well she can keep vaulting through mobs. For all we know, it could suffer a defense penalty like Charge did. Block (if she has any) is cut to a third and then defense = 0.
She'll get hit left and right, and she isn't the tank type.
Speed and angles can avoid them for the most part, but it's only a matter of time she hits something that won't move (a big enemy perhaps?) or get hit too hard.|||It was way OP in the blizzcon demo. Could do 4 or 5 of them in rapid succession, moving across 2 or 3 screens worth of monsters in like 1 second, for zero damage taken.
Then again, Entangling Shot and Molten Arrow were way OP also. And so were most of the Monks' skills last year, when he was the new, "show off all the godly stuff" character. That's just how Bliz rolls them in the demos, it seems.
For the final game, Vault would be "fixed" pretty easily, just by giving it a cooldown similar to teleport or spirit walk. That would probably be too harsh, since it's easy to vault and hit a corner or a barrel or something and stop cold, potentially right in the middle of a dozen monsters. If you couldn't vault a 2nd time to get out you'd die a lot on one mis-vault.
So maybe they could allow you to use it twice in a row before the cooldown hit, or give it a very high resource cost, or add a high chance for monsters to do damage when you vault through them. Also consider that Vault had multiple skill points in it, increasing the range. It would travel much less distance with just 1 point, making it far less OP.|||Quote:
If you couldn't vault a 2nd time to get out you'd die a lot on one mis-vault.
Best way to make people learn not to mis-vault

That said, the monsters had low to/hit and slow reflexes, in most cases in the demo. It was made pretty easy. I had a few times with DH and Wiz, when going against bosses or Champions with Vortex, when I was sure I'd die, and would certainly have died with a comparable D2 char. But didn't, since I was able to shoot/cast at point blank range for a few seconds, even when surrounded.
But the real game will have much more dangerous monsters, etc. So improbable survival in the demo isn't necessarily a useful guide for long term.|||I was thinking the same thing about Vault. If they would just cut down on the distance, say by half or so, I think it would make a world of difference.
Also, get rid of the "dark magic" effect. Just make it a normal acrobatic flip.

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