[:1]I've always found the female classes in D2 much more interesting to play, gameplaywise. Sorc is fun. Amazon feels the same way, with power added. Assassins are skill intensive. Paladin is boooooring. Barb is ok I guess... Druids I never got a feel for, and necromancers were fun, cuz they're like sorcs, but too bad, no tele...
So I've always played females cuz of gameplay. Now I'm stuck with a choice to make !
Well then, I'll totally go with female, just so that people assume, and I can be an *** about it afterwards...

G.R.D. (trollolol=0 seriously, I don't know yet...)|||i will play every class at least 2 using each gender with them all. my first play through with each though will be
barb - male
wiz - female
monk - male
witch - male
demon - female
sounds a lot like d2 now that i think about it lol|||I think I will go with the female as it reminds me of the assassin from D2 which I absolutely loved. I might make both though, with different builds|||Oh, I will roll both, of course. But like MyBaron I'll probably stick with a male in multiplayer. It would sound weird in voice chat - female character and my baritone voice

But in the SP? I'm one of those guys who don't mind playing female characters. Even if just for an eye candy factor. Like someone from WoW community said: "If I'm about to stare at some butt for hours on end let it be a hot one"

|||Ooo Dean winchester, supernatch ftw. If you could play as an angel I'd def name it Castiel.|||90% sure a female since as someone mentioned earlier, reminds me of an assassin which was my favorite class in D2.|||I'll go male DH, and use a longbow if possible. Who knows, perhaps I can avoid the double pistol crossbow.|||I will probably have many combinations of classes/genders, but my first chars will be all female, except for Witch Doctor I guess. I dont like female WD at all. As for DH, I will probably have a female one, but male one looks really good too...difficult decision.|||It's discriminatory that there's only 2 choices.|||male demon hunter. It�s nice to play a male ranged character for a change. Love the beard aswell.
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