I'd still play a male, even though he's not as stylish. Isn't that always the way with males anyway? Personally I even get a bit excite looking at the female Barb. But since I am a male I will still play a male. I can always perve on the other characters in the game if I feel the need for some sexy DH eye candy. Plus, I have no secret desire to be a woman.
yeah, thats the issue i thought about too. Im male so i feel like a male in game. But female just looks way better, thats the problem.|||Witch Doctor ;D
When I eventually get over my aversion to those ridiculous pistols I'll probably roll a female. I really like the look of the WD and barb so far, so I go male with them.|||I spent most of my time in D2 playing as an amazon and an assassin, so I'm pretty much used to being a girl, not to mention that the DH seems to be pretty much a hybrid of the two, so it just seems nature to play as a female DH|||For me I think it'll come down to the voice. I've been playing the assassin a lot in D2 lately to get a feel for melee characters again and let me tell you her kicking scream is down right annoying 30sec into the game.
Which ever of the two sounds the least annoying will get my vote, after I'm done leveling my monk of course.|||I had a great reason for why I'm going to play a male demon hunter but then I realized it'd give away my toon name. which is something I'm not doing

just in case of name theives|||If I didn't play a male DH I couldn't name him DeanWinchester (assuming that fits, or some abbreviation)....|||Quote:
just in case of name theives
If you've thought of it, other people have too. It's going to come down to luck with who gets their copy installed first etc as to who gets the "best" names.
As for the actual topic, multiple builds with both genders, as I'm going to do for every other class.|||So now we have seen some male DH in action (in the followers trailer) !!! Not very much of him =( What do u guys think about him? Somehow he reminds me alucard

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