[blue]Demon Hunter is getting a few new toys. One of the coolest has to be the Sentry.[/blue]
I hate it when they tease us like that

I wonder what could it be

10charsofdoom|||Could replace the amazon Valkyrie, but actually do damage|||As long as it has flailing tentacles i'm all for it.

Dictionary.com: 1. a soldier stationed at a place to stand guard and prevent the passage of unauthorized persons, watch for fires, etc., esp. a sentinel stationed at a pass, gate, opening in a defense work, or the like.
2. a member of a guard or watch.|||It's gotta be a summon of sorts, the DH definitely needs one since she's range.
Wonder when we'll get the next updates

So the Sentry was given to the Demon Hunter. Is this identical to the Assassin’s sentry? I’m dying to know how runes change it.—NocturneGS
The assassin sentries were more like stationary magic dispensers. The demon hunter sentry is more like something a spy would sap.—Diablo
Taken from twitter... So what do you guys think about this?
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