Demon Hunter skills and runestone effects shown in this movie.
- 0:02 -- Fan of Knives. The ground effect appears to now be part of the base skill graphics, as it's been in numerous screenshots.
- 0:03-0:08 -- Multishot with an unknown rune effect giving the arrows a purple gleam.
- 0:08 0:11 - Unknown skill fires electro-arrow orbs? Probably a runestone version of Elemental Arrow.
- 0:12 - 0:16 -- An unknown ability fans will probably nickname "Death Blossom." The DH turns black, spins around, emits much ordinance. Runestone effect in the Clvl 29 skill Rain of Arrows, since it looks very powerful?
- 0:17 - 0:27 -- The Demon Hunter shows a never-before seen effect, growing glowing purple emo-angel wings. This is probably Shadow Power (or Preparation), and the effect seems to super-charge his other skills much as the Wizard's Archon does, since the DH then shows some amazing machine gun speed with the Strafe skill. (Maybe a runestone on Strafe as well; like many of the DHs skills it's never been player testable.)
- 0:33 - 0:38 -- The DH fires a triple shot with green arrows. From the spinning circular projectiles this seems to be a runestone effect of Bolo Shot
- 0:39 - 0:43 -- A powerful single-shot attack with no visible projectile and not much of a graphic. Unknown skill.
- 0:45 - 0:49 -- Chakram is the name of this glowing, spinning, giant boomerang ninja star ability. This skill has never been player testable, so there's no telling if it's runestone'd or if this is the default.
- 0:50 - 0:58 -- The DH fires shots straight up into the air and a second later numerous black/invisible meteor type projectiles come smashing down. This appears to be a runestone effect in the never-seen Rain of Arrows.
- 0:57 - 1:01 -- Vault with a runestone adding a sort of Blaze effect that leaves flaming ground behind the Demon Hunter.
The demon hunter turns into a shadow avatar thingy and starts shooting off like crazy.
Awesome spell

I love how the DH skills are so dark and shadowish, I'm still torn between DH and WD

I love how the DH skills are so dark and shadowish, I'm still torn between DH and WH

You don't have to choose. Like a rich mormon/muslim male, you can marry them both.|||Flux, I believe that the 0:12-0:16 skill is Strafe, If I recall correctly about someone saying that Strafe was a skill where the DH spins around rapidly shooting at all the enemies.
As for the skill right after Shadow Power(or Preparation, tho I am leaning towards Shadow Power.), I am nearly 100% certain that it is Rapid Fire given Jay's description of the skill(in fact that might be where I heard about Strafe's animation.), now whether it is a rune version or if Shadow Power can modify skills who knows.
I also believe the skill shown at 0:39 - 0:43 is Impale, given the small picture that goes with the name of the skill.
Edit: I was correct about Rapid Fire and Strafe! It was in the Jay Wilson's interview of the Demon Hunter.|||The Demon Hunter has successfully turned into some crazy dark/angelic/arrow-firing crazy person. This video is making me seriously reconsider my original intent of rolling Monk first.|||Diablo May Cry.

I originally planned on my first char being a Witch Doctor, but lately i've been leaning more towards the Demon Hunter. Think this video might have made my mind up for me!|||I am quite impressed with the sheer variation in the Demon Hunters moves. Quite flashy and colorful.
Originally I was considering a Wizard as I like ranged types, but I kept getting a been there and seen that already feeling. The DH definitely have the wizzy beat in the amazing looking moves department. While the WD is interesting moves wise, im not too keen on having to rely on slowly recovering mana nor really wanting to play with pets.|||my god i love the way they did the rain of arrow. the dark rain of arrows look pretty badass
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